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Tag: Leadership

Optometry Podcast: Jim McGrann Discusses VSP/PECAA Deal, Diverse Leadership, and His...

Dr. Darryl Glover and Jim McGrann discuss Jim's impactful journey in eye care, the VSP/PECAA deal, and how to lead diverse teams in eye care.

Top 5 Eyewear with Alessandro Baronti of DeRigo REM

Join Dr. Darryl Glover and Alessandro Baronti on Top 5 Eyewear. Alessandro Baronti, President and CEO of DeRigo REM, shares his journey in eyecare, top 5 eyewear, advice on leadership, and more.

Optoturban Podcast: Leadership, Industry, and the Future of Optometry with Dr....

Background Dr. Howard Purcell started his career as a private practitioner. After ten years, he transitioned into an academic role at Nova Southeastern University as...

Optometry Podcast: Dr. Steve Vargo Talks Eye on Leadership

Optometrist, consultant, author and speaker.  Dr. Steve Vargo is a true leader in the optometric industry and his eye for leadership is unforeseen.  In...

Optometry Podcast: Mr. Roberto Monaco and Dr. Mick Kling take on...

What does it mean to be a leader? “Successful leadership is the capacity to move people into action, with integrity,” explains Roberto Monaco, noted...