Lunch Date with Rachel and Kate Episode 27: Be Your Own Self Advocate

We all have seen it. Someone makes a comment on a friends post, and then so quickly there are comments flying and words being flung across the internet at breakneck speeds. Or you may have been apart of these conversations. You want to speak your truth, and grow as an individual but also don’t want to be caught in the crossfire of a battle you know will just leave carnage rather than productive conversation. So, what do we do? Not say anything? Say it anyways? Never go on the internet again? Rachel and Kate have been apart of some of these battles, and have learned a few ways to respectfully disagree and allow all of us to grow by learning new ideas. So if you are curious about how to attract like minds, and respectfully challenge opposing opinions, take a listen. Then stick around as we hear about managing a website and it’s analytics with Dr. Richard Zimbalist, CEO of @ignitemedical. He is a pro and is giving us a lot of tips to help patients find us!

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Until Next Time,

Rachel and Kate

RK Lunch Date
RK Lunch Date
Rachel and Kate are two real-life friends talking about equality issues viewed through the lens of optometry. Tune in for their take-aways and action items. See you at lunch!

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