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Tag: macular degeneration

What your patient might ask you…

Did you hear about those women who went blind after a stem cell treatment? You probably did because this article is everywhere (CBS, NBC, NPR, NY Daily News, NYT, Washington Post etc) but...

What your patient might ask you…

Did you hear about those women who went blind after a stem cell treatment? You probably did because this article is everywhere (CBS, NBC, NPR, NY Daily News, NYT, Washington Post etc) but...

Looking ahead…

A gel drop may replace the bandage contact lens. Ocular Bandage Gel is a clear viscous hydrogel eye drop (0.75% concentration of CMHA-S hydrogel), capable of...

AMD and risk of progression.

A new study asks, if a patient has unilateral AMD (early or late), what is the chance they will develop bilateral AMD in the next 5...