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Tag: macular degeneration

AMD and dark adaptation.

A study out of Mass Eye and Ear found several factors that affect dark adaptation in AMD patients. What do we know? AMD patients have worse...

For your AMD patients that have trouble swallowing pills…

Alcon introduced a chewable option. SYSTANE ICAPS Chewable AREDS2 Eye Vitamin will be available in retail stores by June 1.

Another study that says you are what you eat.

Researchers from Tufts University observed that a high glycemic index diet resulted in many AMD features including RPE hypopigmentation and atrophy, lipofuscin accumulation, and photoreceptor degeneration in...

Researchers at Birmingham University have developed an eye drop that could...

Why hasn't this been done yet? Because getting large drug molecules (i.e Lucentis & Avastin) all the way to the back of the eye is...

The Smart Car (Avastin) vs. the Lexus (Eylea). They both get...

A recent study showed Avastin ($60 per dose, used off-label) was just as effective as Eylea ($1850 per dose, FDA approved treatment) in terms of visual acuity...

Didn’t see any drusen? Look again.

A study in JAMA Ophthalmology found that AMD was missed by primary eye care providers in almost 25% of patients. Using patient data from EMR's and color...

Talk to me about intravitreal injections.

Using data of over 60,000 patients from 2012-2015, a recent study found that previous intravitreal injections (IV) is a risk for posterior capsule rupture during cataract...

AMD and stem cells are back in the news.

Last week, a 60 year old man in Japan became the first patient to receive stem cells donated by another person to treat his wet AMD. Hasn't...

Treating one eye disease may cause another.

A new study showed patients that received seven or more intravitreal injections of Avastin had an increased risk of needing glaucoma surgery. The study used information from databases...

What your patient might ask you…

Did you hear about those women who went blind after a stem cell treatment? You probably did because this article is everywhere (CBS, NBC, NPR, NY Daily News, NYT, Washington Post etc) but...