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Tag: Opternative

Let’s change our name and hope the optometrist doesn’t notice.

Opternative has rebranded themselves. They've changed their name to Visibly which "better represents the partnerships we’re building with eye care providers and eyewear retailers in...

The AOA is coming for Opternative.

The AOA sent Mark Zuckerberg a letter asking that Opternative ads be removed from Facebook. Why? It stems from a warning letter Opternative received from the FDA back in October...

If you can’t beat ’em, try to work with them.

Opternative has started marketing a refraction and acuity testing software to eye care providers. The software is called EZRx and it can be licensed to your practice for...

Opternative: You’ve been warned.

The FDA sent Opternative a warning letter to stop marketing their mobile app because it was "adulterated" and "misbranded". The letter was initially sent in October...

1-800 Contacts is getting into the glasses game.

They recently bought Liingo Eyewear, a Warby Parker copycat with free in-home try on and free lenses with a frame purchase. 1-800 also partners with Opternative which...

Legislative update.

Eye Care Consumer Protection Law stays alive. What is that? In 2016, South Carolina passed the Eye Care Consumer Protection Law which banned telemedicine-based eye exams. Opternative (original pioneer of...

Legislative update.

Things that have been handled: Indiana - HB 1331 - sought to repeal Indiana's ban on prescribing ophthalmic devices through telemedicine (i.e. Opternative).  The bill did...

2 Rules for Optometric Technology

We live in an age of highly innovative and life changing technology. Although technology makes our lives more efficient and stress free, it seems...

2 Rules for Optometric Technology

We live in an age of highly innovative and life changing technology. Although technology makes our lives more efficient and stress free, it seems...