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OptoTurban: ???????????? ???????????????????????????? ???????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????? ????????. ???????????????????? ????????????????????

From transferring to different schools to playing basketball in the Developmental league, David Nwaba had tremendous patience and persistence to reaching his goal of...

Optometry Podcast: Student Stimulus Package

COVID 19 has disrupted graduations, the job market, and salary and benefits for many practicing doctors. Dr. Darryl Glover (PCO ’11) is joined by...

Optoturban Podcast: The Power of Social Media with Emilie Seitz

Emilie Seitz joined the Optoturban podcast to discuss her Instagram page (@eyeseitz) and the benefits of social media: Easily stay in touch with friends...

Optoturban Podcast: The Power of Being Social!

Being social has led to many benefits for Heather Ogoke and Jasdeep Soni while being in Optometry school or while seeing patients. They discuss...

Optoturban Podcast: Review: Forbes Authority Marketing Conference

How to market to new and existing patients Jasdeep and Dr. Kegarise discuss the three levels of patients using a metaphor. These three levels describe...

Optoturban Podcast: Stereotypes – Race, Religion, and Culture in Clinical Settings

Background Student-doctor Jasdeep Singh Soni and Dr. Jeff Kegarise discuss their academic and professional backgrounds. Born and raised in Southern California, Jasdeep went to UC...

Optoturban Podcast: Defocus Media Welcomes Student Doctor, Jasdeep Singh Soni

On the first Optoturban podcast, Dr. Darryl Glover and Dr. Jennifer Lyerly caught up with student doctor Jasdeep Singh Soni from Midwestern University (Arizona...