Optoturban Podcast: The Power of Being Social!

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Jasdeep Soni & Heather Ogoke, Student Optometrists

Being social has led to many benefits for Heather Ogoke and Jasdeep Soni while being in Optometry school or while seeing patients. They discuss some tips to become more social. 

Tips to Become More Social

  1. Smiling goes a long way.
  2. Asking someone how your day is going.
  3. Shake hands when meeting someone.
  4. The power of using someone’s name
    1. Introduce yourself by sharing your name 
    2. Remembering someone’s name can go a long way. 
  5. Be complementary towards others. 
  6. Try to bond with patients by similarities you may have or by learning about each other’s differences
  7. Use eye contact when speaking to someone.
  8. Smiling goes a long way.
  9. Get out of your comfort zone.
Jasdeep Soni & Heather Ogoke, Student Optometrist

If you have any questions for student doctor Heather Ogoke, feel free to contact her at cogoke73@midwestern.edu. For more content from Heather Ogoke feel free to follow her on Instagram (@_seeheather).

For more content from Optoturban feel free to follow Jasdeep on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

If you have any questions for student doctor Jasdeep Singh Soni, feel free to contact him at jasdeep.soni18@gmail.com.


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