Magnets can reduce nystagmus.

A case study published in Ophthalmology details an innovative surgical procedure to help a patient with acquired nystagmus. The patient was 49-years-old and developed nystagmus secondary to Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He underwent a surgery to implant a “magnetic oculomotor prosthesis”.

What does that mean?
Two tiny magnets (3mm in size) were placed in the orbit. One was sutured to an EOM, the other to the orbital wall.

And that was done because…
Here is the idea. Although nystagmus originates in the central nervous system for a variety of reasons, the end result involves moving the EOM’s. The authors suggest that an intervention that targets the EOM’s could offer a more effective treatment for nystagmus, regardless of the cause.

How do the magnets help?
The magnets attract with enough pull to steady the nystagmus but not so much that voluntary eye movements are hindered.

How is the patient doing?
Good. He read one line better on the eye chart and showed dampening of the nystagmus which was sustained through a 4 year follow up.

Who wouldn’t be considered a candidate?
Anyone that would need a MRI routinely.

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