New FDA approval: OXERVATE.

Oxervate was approved on August 22nd for the treatment of neurotrophic keratitis.

Refresh me on neurotrophic keratitis.
Patients with neurotrophic keratitis have decreased corneal sensitivity, epithelial breakdown, and impaired corneal healing due to trigeminal nerve damage. Nerve damage is commonly caused by herpetic keratitis, diabetes, or ophthalmic or neuro surgery.

What’s in the drop?
It contains cenegermin which is a recombinant form of human nerve growth factor.

How does it work?
Because the trigeminal nerve normally supplies growth factors that keep the cornea functioning properly, patients with neurotrophic keratitis have lower levels of these growth factors. Cenegermin is a nerve growth factor which can help restore some of the normal healing processes in the eye and repair damage to the eye’s surface. (via)

What is the dosing?
One drop every 2 hours, 6 times a day. Treatment is continued for 8 weeks. (via)

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