Optometry Podcast: Week in the Life of an Optometry Student

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What better way to let prospective students learn about optometry as a career than to share a day in the life with them? Midwestern University Chicago College of Optometry student Megan Sales is doing just that with her series of YouTube videos dedicated to sharing her life as an optometry school student. As a member of the inaugural graduating class at Midwestern University, we discuss her experience as a student and how she chose both the profession and the school where she wanted to pursue her degree. 

Megan Sales, Optometry Student

She also shares her tips for creating engaging and professional video content. From low-cost options of filming with an iPhone and using iMovie for editing, to investing in more powerful editing platforms like Final Cut Pro, Megan breaks down her preferred platforms and techniques for making a video that will connect with today’s patients. 
Follow along with Megan’s journey on her Instagram account @megansales.

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