The 2020 Podcast: Training Your Team For SUCCESS In Myopia Management With Ann Tran

Embarking on the journey of Myopia Management extends far beyond the confines of a clinical exam room. It’s a collective endeavor that hinges on a well-coordinated team, each member playing a pivotal role in the practice’s success. But the question looms: how do we cultivate a harmonious understanding among diverse team members to ensure everyone marches to the beat of the same drum? This episode unveils the answer, introducing the insightful Ann Tran, a distinguished professional trainer and development consultant with the Essilor Academy Canada team. Ann delves into the nuances of how Essilor is revolutionizing myopia management by empowering optometrists and their teams through comprehensive training.

Dr. Harbir Sian is an award-winning Optometrist whose passion lies in education and his profession. Since then, Dr. Sian has written many blogs; started multiple video series including For Your Eyes Only with and Chiasma; launched The 20/20 Podcast; traveled to South America and the Middle East to perform eye exams in underdeveloped areas; and been awarded Young Optometrist of the Year by the BC Doctors of Optometry.

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