Weekly social media roundup.

To the left, pharmacists.

Indeed has ranked optometry at #7 on the list of best professions in 2018.

March 25th, 1988.

Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of the first laser vision correction procedure. If you want to know the background on that first patient and how laser vision correction came to be, this is a great video (skip to 4:45).

11.5 minutes.

The amount of time an ophthalmologist spends in the room with a patient according to research presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology. What happens in those minutes? The researchers state, “29% of that time is spent using the electronic health record, 39% is spent examining the patient, and 32% is spent talking”.

When insurance companies actually pay for something.

The first person received the recently FDA approved gene therapy, Luxterna, in Boston last week. Here is my previous rundown on Luxterna. The cost is $850,000 for this one time injection and his insurance covered the procedure. His second eye is scheduled for this week.

SCO might be getting some competition.

Tennessee is looking to add another optometry school.

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