What your patient might ask you…

Is there a better drop than Visine to “get the red out”?

Yes.  Nine days before the ball dropped on 2017, the FDA approved Bausch + Lomb’s Lumify.

What is Lumify?
An over-the-counter eye drop that contains low dose brimonidine to help treat red eyes.

Give me more details on brimonidine.
Brimonidine tartrate (brand name Alphagan) was approved in 1996 to lower IOP. It is an alpha-2 agonist and works to lower IOP by reducing aqueous production and increasing uveoscleral outflow.

What is the difference between Alphagan and Lumify?
Lumify contains a lower concentration of brimonidine (0.025%) compared to Alphagan which is available in 0.2%, 0.15%, and 0.1%. Another way to say that is Alphagan 2% is 8 times stronger than Lumify.

Does Lumify also lower IOP?
No, a study confirmed that Lumify had no effect on lowering IOP.

Why is this better than Visine?
Visine use can lead to loss of efficacy and rebound redness when stopped. Brimonidine has a specific target, (the alpha receptors on blood vessels) which reduces the other side effects.

How long does it last?
In clinical studies, Lumify showed 95% symptom improvement at 1 minute and reduced redness for up to 8 hours.

When will I see this on the shelves?
Second quarter of 2018.

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