First patient with an IOL gets the Implantable Miniature Telescope for end-stage AMD.

Wait, didn’t someone already get this?
Yes, but this time it’s different. In this case, the patient had an IOL that was removed to implant this telescope. Previously, any patient with an IOL was not eligible to receive this telescope.
Why is this a big deal?
Because many patients with end-stage AMD have also had cataract surgery. If having an IOL is no longer a contraindication, a whole new group of patients could be candidates for this telescope.
Remind me about the telescope.
It’s implanted in one eye in patients with end-stage AMD where the vision is between 20/160-20/800. Because the telescope replaces the natural lens of the eye, peripheral vision is lost in the eye receiving the telescope. For this reason, the telescope can be implanted in only one eye.
Is it FDA approved?
Yes, and it’s covered by Medicare for patients meeting eligibility requirements.

How does it work?
It magnifies images and projects them onto the healthy portion of the retina.
Here is a 4 minute video of the implantation procedure. (via)

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