Optometry Podcast: Let’s Talk Optometry with Dr. Keyla Gammarano

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Fashion. Travel. Optometry. If you aren’t sure those 3 words go together, you haven’t met Dr. Keyla Gammarano. She joins Dr. Darryl Glover on this week’s podcast to talk about how she’s blending her passions together to make this career her own, even while balancing the busy schedule of completing her residency in ocular disease at the Jacksonville VA Outpatient Clinic.

After graduating from NOVA Southeastern University College of Optometry in 2019, Dr. Gammarano shares why she prioritized residency despite being burdened with significant tuition debt. She reflects on her optometry school experience and advises entering students on how to prepare for the intensive program. And of course, Dr. Glover and Dr. Gammarano talk fashion and how they make the most of their personal style to connect with patients, as well as how they consider optometry a fashion career. Even while wearing scrubs at the VA, Dr. Gammarano shares her personal style, passions, and inspirations on her Instagram account, @dr.glammarano.



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