Optometry Podcast: New App Detects Pediatric Leukocoria by Dr. Bryan Shaw

On this week’s podcast, Dr. Bryan Shaw breaks down his family’s experience with his son experiencing bilateral retinoblastoma. As a result, Dr. Bryan Shaw developed an app, The CRADLE White Eye Detector. The CRADLE White Eye Detector app helps parents detect the appearance of white eye in pictures of their children which can be an indicator of a serious ocular condition.

The CRADLE White Eye Detector App

Results of the CRADLE app were recently published in Science Advances. The sensitivity of CRADLE at detecting pathologic leukocoria in facial photographs of children was 75% at age less than six months and 90% at age less than two years old. There was only a 0.7% false-positive rate. 

Drs. Glover & Lyerly
Drs. Glover & Lyerlyhttps://defocusmediagroup.com
Defocus Media is run by two successful Millennial optometrists and social media entrepreneurs, Dr. Jennifer Lyerly and Dr. Darryl Glover. They have proven track records of successfully engaging online readers and followers. They reside and practice in North Carolina.

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