The Myopia Collective: A Call to Action for Eye Care Professionals

The Optometry’s Meeting was abuzz with excitement as eye care professionals gathered to discuss the future of myopia management—Dr. Jennifer Lyerly, alongside Drs. Justin Kwan and Kumar Patel, took center stage to introduce the Myopia Collective powered by AOA and CooperVision®.

“Hello, everybody. We’re here at Optometry’s meeting, and I’m Dr. Jennifer Lyerly. I’m excited to tell you about the new Myopia Collective. I’m joined by Drs. Justin Kwan and Kumar Patel, who will share why this mission is so crucial,” began Dr. Lyerly.

Dr. Justin Kwan, a member of CooperVision for over four years, emphasized the importance of their collective efforts. “I have the honor and privilege to work with three wonderful ODs and our 42,000 colleagues, striving to do the right thing for children with myopia. Implementing myopia control therapies in practice can be daunting, especially for associates who may lack the knowledge or confidence to prescribe these treatments. Educating parents about the importance of myopia management is crucial to prevent future eye diseases.”

Dr. Lyerly echoed this sentiment, highlighting the mission of the Myopia Collective. “Our goal is to rally the profession around a standard of care change. We don’t just correct childhood myopia; we slow its progression. So, Dr. Kwan, how can people get involved?”

Dr. Kwan explained, “An easy way to get involved is by signing up as a member of the Myopia Collective through the AOA website. You can also contact your CooperVision rep or anyone on our team. This joint effort requires more than just a few participants. By increasing our membership, we can integrate myopia management into primary eye care because it’s too significant a problem to remain a specialty.”

When asked about the advantages of joining the Myopia Collective, Dr. Kwan outlined several benefits. “As a member, you’ll receive resources like a quarterly newsletter and a toolbox, particularly during the back-to-school period when appointments surge. You’ll also network with other professionals who commit to this standard of care.”

One notable aspect of the program is the Change Agent initiative. “These representatives lead the way in myopia management, helping other doctors join the cause. We’ve had over 60 members sign up, representing all 50 states and Washington, D.C.,” Dr. Kwan noted.

Dr. Patel, a Change Agent representing Texas, shared his excitement about the initiative. “We’ll work with our Change Agents every month, connecting through a LinkedIn forum to share ideas. In their communities, we want them to be the authority on myopia management, engaging in projects that bring this issue to the forefront.”

Dr. Lyerly emphasized the collective effort required to make a difference. “Optometry’s Meeting is a space for colleagues to discuss myopia control and encourage more practitioners to treat their patients appropriately. However, we must also educate legislators, school systems, nurses, and the broader community. This is a collective myopia project that requires everyone’s involvement.”

The Myopia Collective represents a significant step forward in the fight against childhood myopia. By joining this initiative, eye care professionals can access valuable resources, connect with like-minded colleagues, and lead the charge in their communities. Dr. Lyerly concluded, “This change starts with optometry, but it will take our entire community to spread the knowledge and ensure we can care for more patients in the long run.”

Eye care professionals can easily join the Myopia Collective online, pledging their commitment to a brighter future for children’s eye health. Together, we can make a difference.

Join the Myopia Collective Powered by AOA and CooperVision®

Join today and elevate your practice with the Myopia Collective. By becoming a member, you’ll gain access to cutting-edge resources, professional networks, and the support needed to implement effective myopia control strategies. Together, we can revolutionize eye care, improve patient outcomes, and make a lasting impact on children’s vision health.

Drs. Glover & Lyerly
Drs. Glover & Lyerly
Defocus Media is run by two successful Millennial optometrists and social media entrepreneurs, Dr. Jennifer Lyerly and Dr. Darryl Glover. They have proven track records of successfully engaging online readers and followers. They reside and practice in North Carolina.

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