What your patient might ask you…

Have you heard of Sightbox?

If you haven’t been asked about it yet, you might be soon now that Johnson and Johnson just bought it.
What is Sightbox?
An online contact lens service and eye exam setter-upper. It claims to “simplify the annual contact lens exam, fitting and purchasing experience for people who wear soft contact lenses”.
How does it work?

  1. Sightbox sets up the appointment at an OD office (the patient can choose the OD if they prefer) for the exam and contact lens fitting.
  2. Sightbox pays your full exam fee the same day.
  3. Patients use your contact lens Rx and get their contacts through Sightbox.

Sightbox has monthly payment plans that range from $39/month to $89/month depending on if the patient wears a monthly, two week, or daily lens. All plans include the exam, fitting fee, and a year supply of contacts.
The pros:
You get your full exam fee the same day, no submitting to insurance. Also, you can fit any name brand contact lens.
The cons:
You lose a contact lens sale.
Here are the deets for providers. (via)

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